
Showing posts from June, 2021

Essential Laboratory Equipment for Clean Rooms

  There are certain aspects of medical, professional and scientific research where there is a need for an environment that is completely free of any external contaminants or substances that are investigated, developed or operated on in any practice that may bring about unwanted factors or variables. For this purpose, laboratories with critical environments called 'clean rooms' have been developed. There are a huge variety of types of facilities and apparatus and clothing designed and available for a very wide range of research and control laboratories. Utopia Aire stocks the equipment you need for a clean room as well as all the usual laboratory equipment and all the glassware you require. A clean room's level of contamination has to be a controlled one, with a specified level of contamination, which is the number of particles per cubic meter. For instance, the air in a typical urban street contains approximately 35,000,000 particles per cubic meter.An ISO 1 clean room may ...