Aspects To Consider While Launching A Cleanroom


In general a cleanroom is a place or a specific area of a known amount of space that is normally used in scientific research sectors. These cleanrooms are supposed to have a controlled level of airborne impurities such as dust, microbes, undesirable vapours and other similar contaminants. Nevertheless creating a cleanroom involves many aspects that are to be considered. The specifications basically involve the types of applications the room will operate on, equipment that may be needed, the maintenance that may be required and so on.

Preferred extensively in sectors like semiconductor manufacturing, life sciences and other fields where in environmental contamination must be totally curbed, cleanrooms vary in size and areas where they can be very large or medium sized, depending on their utilities. Since the foremost intention is to supply clean air into the specific area, air that is allowed to enter a cleanroom must be subjected to accurate and meticulous filtration and must be constantly recirculated through advanced devices like high efficiency particulate air filters, in order to eliminate most of the airborne contaminants.

Another most important aspect to consider is the entry and exit of staff or the concerned research scholars. To achieve the control of contaminants that may pollute the environment allowing personnel through airlocks or air showers must be done. Likewise, wearing protective clothing, face masks, safety boots and other allied equipment that help to minimise air contamination are the next set of things that are to be considered. HVAC systems must be installed in such a way that they consistently control humidity levels. Electrostatic discharges are another aspect that has to be considered and sufficient precautionary measures must be enforced to avert this kind of electrostatic charges.

Another vital aspect to be taken into account is the lighting of a cleanroom. The light which is employed in the clean room depends on the area of utility. In a hospital environment especially in the operation theatre, the light is referred to as an operation theatre light, which is a very essential equipment, while performing a surgery. These lights are generally based on their type of fixing, light source, intensity of illumination, and so on.

While the setting up of a cleanroom will be done considering stringent parameters, the construction, designing and the execution requires a special skill and hands on experience in the sector. Organisations like The Utopia Group of Companies, with a humble yet confident and dedicated beginning in 1980 has emerged as a major organisation comprising of skilled and dedicated team. Offering services like supply of cleanroom products and equipment, cleanroom chairs & furnitures, constructing and maintenance of cleanrooms that are free from airborne pollution, particulate contamination utopia has been consistently providing professional values to its esteemed clients.

In Order To Find Out More Details On Cleanroom Construction Materials Please Be Touch With Us Today Onwards..!


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