Categories of Cleanrooms and Basic Necessities of Cleanroom Areas



The expression cleanroom is quite symbolic and easily depicts that the room or the specific area is free from particulate materials, air borne or otherwise, and meant for specific intentions like research, manufacturing, carrying out scientific experiments of very high levels. Although by overview it sounds like all the cleanrooms are the same, they are not. Cleanrooms are of different categories. They are basically categorised in accordance to their utilities and the sectors and industries they are used in. while the cleanroom in case of medical sector is developed and made up in a different way, the non-medical sectors like the electronic industry that manufactures silicon chips and other complex electronic components need to be made up in different ways. While this is one method of classification there are other standards that are included in this process.       

Mainly these kinds of cleanrooms are classified as per the regulations and norms set in by the international organization of standardization in order to form and follow the international standards. These standards that are set by the organization are the foundational principles that are followed worldwide. According to the norms set in there are certain standards to be followed while working with chemicals, volatile materials, and sensitive instruments and similar. The standards that are employed in deciding the level of cleanness of the area is done by calculating the amount of particles that are present in one cubic foot of space. The lesser the number of particles present per cubic foot, the higher the level of cleanness. However these particles have to be controlled by different methods in order to attain the desired level of cleanness. Such rooms are classified by the number of particles present in them and are designated as class100, class 1000, class 10000, and so on. Here the particle size is measured in microns and as a common standard the size of the particle must not be bigger than 0.5 microns.        

Based on the level of cleanness the areas are confirmed and declared as most suitable for particular types of activities. In the construction of such cleanrooms, the wall materials are also selected meticulously and taken into consideration accurately. Now since the primary function of a clean room is to constantly filter air in order to avert any possible to damage highly sensitive technologies. Based on the limitations and rules there are special procedures for each of these activities that must be followed in order to prevent contamination. The art of achieving the desired level of cleanness is professionally carried out by experts in the sector. Organizations like utopia, located in Singapore are one of the top rated companies involved in the development of cleanroom, cleanroom installation, maintenance and allied services.  


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